Raw opium seized in Phakant
Yangon, 4 July – A combined team comprising members of the local intelligence unit and local police force, acting on informaion, searched the house of Win Kyaing on Kyaukthwaytaung Road in Seikmu Ward, Phakant Township, on 5 June evening and seized 815.5 grams of raw opium together with Win Kyaing, Maung Nyo and Soe Win in the compound.
Action is being taken against Win Kyaing, 45, son of U Saw Wun, Maung Nyo, 37, son of U Tun Khin of Kyichaung Village in Tatkon Township and Soe Win, 32, son of U Ohn Maung of
Kyapet-inn Village in Tatkon Township under section 15/ 19 (A)/ 21 of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by Phakant Police Station.