429 drug-related cases exposed in March 1999
ANGON, 27 April-The Tatmadaw, the Myanmar Police Force and the
Customs Department exposed 429 drug-related cases in March 1999.
The authorities seized 97.6223 kilos of opium in 38 cases,
9.2346 kilos of heroin in 166 cases, 17.5956 kilos of marijuana in 50 cases, 56.16 liters of
Phensedyl in 10 cases, 4.9756 kilos of low-grade opium in 16 cases, 0.0159 kilo of opium oil
in three cases, 147,907 stimulant tablets in 41 cases, 133.2194 kilos of ephedrine powder in
eight cases, 415.705 liters of cough syrup in five cases, 18.184 liters of acetic anhydride in
one case,14,406.274 liters of ether, 1 ,795.954 litres of other chemical liquid, 85 cases for
failure to register and five other cases.
Regiments and units of Tatmadaw also seized 48.9324 kilos of
opium, l . l090 kilos of heroin, l,790 stimulant tablets, 18.184 liters of acetic anhydride,14,
406.274 liters of ether and 1,795.954 liters of other chemical liquid.
Myanmar Police Force seized 48.6899 kilos of opium in 38
cases, 7.2395 kilos of heroin in 166 cases, 17.5956 kilos of marijuana in 50 cases, 56.16 liters
of Phensedyl in 10 cases, 4.9756 kilos of low-grade opium in 16 cases, 0.0159 kilo of opium oil
in three cases, 144,117 stimulant tablets in 41 cases, 133.2194 kilos of ephedrine powder in
eight cases, 415.705 litres of cough syrup in five cases, one case of acetic anhydride, one
case of other chemical liquid, 85 cases for failure to register and five other cases.
Seizures made by Tatmadaw and MPF were 1.8672 kilos of
heroin in 18 cases, 32.0574 kilos of opium in nine cases, 11.5 litres of Phensedyl in two cases,
1.4697 kilos of marijuana in two cases, 93,484 stimulant tablets in 14 cases, 0.005 kilo of
opium oil cake, 0.02 liters of opium oil, 0.0163 liter of low-grade opium and 36.301 kilos of
ephedrine in two cases.
Actions were taken against 583 persons-483 men and 100
women-in connection with 429 drug-related cases in March.
On 4 March, a combined team comprising Taunggyi Anti-Drug
Squad and local intelligence unit, while waiting at slope of the hill in Loi Hsaung Htailk
region, they nabbed Lauk Shone, 25, son of U Haung Sni at Chansishan Village of Kunlong Township
and Kein Shin, 27, son of U Shauk Lauk at Koakshwe Village of Kunlong Township, together with
47,542 stimulant tablets.
On 9 March, a team comprising members of Myitkyina Anti-Drug
Squad, local intelligence unit and Hopin Police Station searched the house of Thaung Shin, 31,
son of U Maw Aik at Ward 8, Dagwin Village, Mohnyin Township. They seized 10 packets of opium
weighing 19.4 kilos hidden in a concealed compartment of Toyota van Ahl6577 owned by Maung Aik,
32, son of U Maung Ni.
On 17 March, a local battalion searched trawler-G Kakha/ l33
on its way from Monpawlay to Monsi at map reference P-421363. They nabbed Ma Naw, Lagwan, La Bu
and Akwe with 23.84 kilos of opium from their bags.
On 24 March, members of Auktaung Police Station in
Phaungpyin Township while waiting near Mogaung Village, searched a suspicious person named
Tun Shwe and his three baskets. The MPF members seized 27.776 kilos of ephedrine powder. Upon
further information, the MPF members seized 36.608 kilos of ephedrine.
In 1998-99 cultivation season, a total of 9,481.367 acres of
opium 7,222.78 acres of opium poppy in Shan State (North), 1,875.5 acres in Shan State
(South)2.5 acres in Shan State (East), 160.8 acres in Kayah State, 151.987 acres Kachin State
and 15.5 acres in Mandalay Division-were destroyed.