14 November 2000      

8 a.m.

10 a.m.

Opening of the session
Item 1 Election of officers.

Meeting of the bureau

Item 2 Adoption of the agenda and timetable
Item 3  Current situation with respect to regional and

subregional cooperation

2 p.m. Item 4 Implementation by States of the region of

recommendations adopted by the Twenty-second Meeting of Heads of National Drug

Law Enforcement Agencies, Asia and the Pacific


      WEDNESDAY, 15 November 2000      

9 a.m. Item 5 Consideration of topics by working groups.
2 p.m. Item 5 Consideration of topics by working groups

THURSDAY, 16 November 2000      

9 a.m. Item 5 Consideration of topics by working groups


2 p.m. Item 5 Consideration of topics by working groups

FRIDAY, 17 November 2000      

9 a.m. Item 5

Consideration of topics by working groups


2 p.m. Item 6 Organization of the Twenty-fifth Meeting of

Heads of National Drug Law Enforcement Agencies, Asia and the Pacific

Item 7 Other business
Item 8 Adoption of the

report (including reports of working

