Recomendations of the Meeting

Recommendations of the Meeting

The following are recommendations adopted by the 24th meeting

of Heads of Law Enforcement Agencies of the Asia-Pacific Region (HONLEA):

  1. to exchange international news and to cooperate in

    efforts for successfully combating trafficking of narcotic drugs in conformity

    with the resolution of the 1998 Special Session of the UN General Assembly on



  2. to raise cooperations in view of the momentum, importance

    and value of HONLEA meeting as well as to cooperate in reducing the illegal

    cultivation and production with the approval of success achieved through

    cooperation in the region;


  3. to provide practical training and technical assistance so

    as to improve quality and skill of prevention and suppression work;


  4. to increase financial assistance for the substitution

    development projects of Myanmar, and to start transnational cooperations between

    Bangladesh, India and Myanmar;


  5. to raise the control of drug trafficking by sea and to

    improve the preventive skill since it is found that there has been an increase

    in abuse of stimulants and ecstasy even though production and abuse of opium have

    been decreasing in the region;


  6. to raise cooperation in preventive and suppression work

    and to disseminate technologies since there have been cases including

    trafficking of drugs being done through modern and complicated means, money

    laundering, making of counterfeit money and false credit-cards, and trafficking

    in persons;


  7. to send information in time by the countries

    even though

    the distribution of news by INTERPOL is modern and effective as well as to

    cooperate with the organization like UNDCP and International Customs


  8. (h) to cooperate in legal affairs of the countries to combat

    trafficking of drugs, to exchange criminals and to propagate the Law on money



  9. to raise cooperation between governments in accord with

    the agreement contained in ASEAN and China Cooperations in Response to Dangerous

    Drugs, ACCORD 2015.

Note: The 25th Meeting of HONLEA will be hosted by Australia in 2001.

This will be approved by the meeting of

           Commission on Narcotic Drugs to be held

in 2001.
