Location |

- Located
between 17° 01′ N and 96° 05′ E in Taukkyan Model Village,Mingaladon
Township, Yangon Division.
- 540 acres,
comprising a wildlife park (818 acres), a mini-zoo (62 acres) and a
buffer zone (660 acres)
of Establishment |
- Established
on 30 September 1982.
Access |
- (a) Approximately
22 miles north of Yangon, just west of Yangon_Pyay Road.
- (a) To
establish an enviromental education centre near Yangon.
- (b) To
protect the forests and vegetative cover in the catchment of Hlawga
- (c) To
establish a representative collection of Myanmar indigenous wildlife
species of mammals, reptiles and birds, which will be kept under as
near as possible natural conditions in such as a way that they can be
readily viewed by visitors.
/ Vegetative Types |
- (a) Semi-evergreen
- (b) Mixed
deciduous forests
- (c) Swamp
Wildlife |
- Thamin,
hog deer, barking deer, Sambar deer, rhesus monkey, pythons, pangolin,
mythun, all have in the fenced wildlife park.
- In the
mini-zoo, small mammals, birds, tigers, leopards, bears and estuarine
crocodiles are being displayed more freely in large in spacious cages,
aviaries and moated enclosures, built with modern zoo concept.
Development and Research Programmes |
- (a) Effective
protection and management of degraded forests.
- (b) Establishment
and management of buffer zone plantations.
- (c) Construction
of high quality rest house ”chalets” which are in hamony with the
natural surroundings.
- (d) Establishment
of a new Information Centre.
- (e) Construction
of a 5-storied viewing tower.
- (f)Maintenance
of roads, nature tails and of all buildings and their utilities.
- (g) Research
programmes on vegatative study and ornithological studies on both resident
and mgratory birds.
- (h) Enviroment
education activities to create public awarness of enviroment conservation.
- (i) Joint-ventrue
development works between Forest Department and loval private sectors
for all-round development of Hlawga park.
- (j)Development
of one 18-hole golf course of international standard in the buffer zone
of the park.
for Study and Recreation |
- (a) Study
nature conservation activities in Myanmar.
- (b) Observing
ecological study on Thamin, hog deer, barking deer,sambar deer, etc.,
in their natural state.
- (c) Enjoyment
of out-door recreation such as picnic sites, traditional huts, boats
and elephant rides.
- (d) Conducting
individual or group bird-watching activities with assistance from experienced
bird-watchers of the park.
- (e) Study
a previously human-disturbed and degarded forest, gradually restoring
itself into a well grown natural forest, over a time-span of 20 years.
- (f) Recreation
in high quality ”chalets” built by the Forest Department.