As regards youth welfare services


Welfare Service

As regards youth welfare services, the DSW has been carrying

out remedial and preventive aspects of services for socially handicapped young

persons between the age of 5 to 16 who are deserted by natural parents on

socio-economic grounds and who are in need of physical, emotional and social development.

The DSW has been operating institutional care services with eight training

schools (of which six are for boys and two are for girls) in the country.


girls from Yangon Girls’ Training School learning formal education


boys from Kabaaye Boys’ Training School practically learning carpentry

at the Vocational Training Centre

These youth training schools

provide children a normal education, health care and welfare, vocational

training to prepare them for reintegration into the society. The

department organizes Youth Centres and Voluntary Primary Night Schools

for the needy children in various parts of the country with active

involvement of the commuity. So far 118 Youth Centres and 83 Voluntary

Primary Night Schools have been opened on community based.





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