Cooperation with the United Nations Fund for Drug Abuse Control (UNFDAC)

Cooperation with the United Nations Fund for Drug Abuse Control


The cooperation between Myanmar and the United Nations started since the era of the Revolutionary Council Government. The Revolutionary Council adopted plans to effectively control the menace of narcotic drugs. The United Nations offered to assist Myanmar in these efforts and, towards the end of 1974, the Government of Myanmar invited the UN Division of Narcotic Drugs to send a mission to discuss measures for providing assistance. The mission arrived in Myanmar, in November 1974 and as a result, the United Nations / Myanmar Drug Abuse Control Programme (Phase I) was signed by the two sides on 14 May 1976. The Agreement on phase I covered the 5-year period from 14 May 1976 to 13 May 1981 . Under the Agreement, the United Nations Fund for Drug Abuse Control (UNFDAC) contributed US$6,571,000 to the implementation of the Programme while the Government of Myanmar contributed Kyats 43,586,500. 

Agreement on UN/ Myanmar Drug Abuse Control Programme Phase 11

(Second 5-year programme)

Before the completion of the first 5-year programme, UN

mid-programme evaluation mission arrived in Myanmar in February 1980 and studied the performances of the Task Forces carrying out narcotic drugs suppression activities under the programme. Satisfied with the effective Implementation of the Myanmar, the evaluation mission / strongly recommended a further strengthening and development of all aspects of the programme by means of a five-year extension of UNFDAC’s funding for the government of Myanmar to maintain momentum. Consequently, Agreement on UN / Myanmar Drug Abuse Control Programme ( Phase II ) for a further 5-year period from 1981 to 1986 was signed on 5 June 1981. Under the terms of the Agreement, contributions from the UN was US$ 5,397,000 while Myanmar’s contributed Kyats 62,686,000.

Signing of Agreement on UN/ Myanmar Drug Abuse Control Programme (Phase 111)

The Agreement (phase III) covering the 5-year period from 1986 to 1941 was signed on 12 June 1986. Under the

third phase agreement, the United Nations undertook to contribute US$.10.5 million and the Government of Myanmar agreed to contribute Kyats 95.5 million. During the third-phase programme period, Myanmar

witnessed her political turmoil. However Myanmar managed to continue her activities on the

suppression of narcotic drug effectively.

In implementing the U N / Myanmar 

Drug Abuse Control Programme, the United Nations Division of Narcotic Drugs acted as the executing agency on the UN side with the Ministry of Home and Religious Affairs as focal agency on the Government side

Moreover; other UN Specialized Agencies such as the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), the World Health Organization (WHO), the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural

Organization (UNESCO) were involved in the programme execution. Funds contributed by the UN side were

provided by the United Nations Fund for Drug Abuse Control