Way Maung was out there to welcome a journalist delegation from the People

Preliminary meeting held on Myanmar-Thai cooperation in drug control 

YANGON, 19 Apr – A preliminary meeting on Myanmar-Thai cooperation in eradication of narcotic drugs and stimulants took place at the meeting hall of the Ministry of Home Affairs, this morning. 

Present on the occasion were Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing, and members of Law Enforcement Work Committee and officials of the Ministry of Defence and CCDAC Office. 

They discussed preparations to pave the way for Myanmar-Thai representatives to discuss cooperation, in drug abuse control. preparations for Myanmar-Thai-Lao drug abuse control meeting and implementation of the resolutions passed by 42nd meeting of UN Drug Control Programme.



addresses 4th Ministerial Conference on Cooperation in Drug Abuse control

YANGON, 29 Apr –

Vice-Chairman of Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control Minister for Progress

of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs Col Thein Nyunt

delivered an address at the Fourth Ministerial Conference on Cooperation in Drug

Abuse Control among LPDR, Myanmar and Thailand on 27 April.

The minister

attended the meeting which was held at Siam City Hotel in Bangkok as the leader

of Myanmar delegation.

He explained

measures being taken by the three nations in eradicating the scourge narcotic,

solving the problem of stimulants tablets, rendering technical cooperation and

seeking international assistance.

He also elaborated

on Myanmar’s achievements in rooting out illicit drugs since the end of the

Third Ministerial Conference on Cooperation in Drug Abuse Control among LPDR,

Myanmar and Thailand held in Laos in 1997.

He said Myanmar has

seized 1,942.34 kilos of heroin, 22.8 million stimulant tablets 21.59 kilos of

crushed stimulants tablets, 7,597.96 kilos of ephedrine and 182,416.85 litres of

chemical liquids during the period.

The nation also

destroyed 52 opium refineries, nine chemical factories and 61,604.05 acres of

illegal poppy fields.

The seized drugs

were destroyed in the presence of diplomats of foreign missions in Yangon and

the people in Yangon. The nation has used over K 14.6 billion since 1989 in

rooting out illicit drugs.

Narcotic drugs

eradication tasks must be harmoniously carried out by international countries.

Also present at the

meeting were Chairman of Narcotic Drugs Control Board of Thailand Deputy Prime

Minister Maj-Gen Sanan Kajomprasart, the Minister of Health and Chairman of

National Narcotic Drugs Control Commission of Laos Minister at the President’s

Office Mr Soubanh Srithirath.

Police Lt-Col Sit

Aye of CCDAC and Counselor of Myanmar Embassy in Thailand U Nyan Lin attended

the Senior Officials Meeting which was held on 26 April at the hotel.



back from Bangkok

YANGON, 29 Apr – The

Myanmar delegation led by Vice-Chairman of Central Committee for Drug Abuse

Control Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development

Affairs Col Thein Nyunt arrived back here from Thailand by air yesterday

