The New
light of Myanmar
Monday, 27 November, 2000
Accelerating the momentum to
combat the menace of narcotic drugs abuse
Myanmar has always been active in cooperation with regional
and global countries in combating the menace of narcotic drugs abuse. Recently,
the 24th Meeting of Heads of National Drug Law Enforcement Agencies of Asia and
the Pacific was held at Hotel Equatorial in Yangon.
The meeting was held under the joint sponsorship of the
UNDCP (United Nations Drug Control Programme) and Myanmar on 14 November 2000.
The meeting was attended by members of CCDAC (Central Committee for Drug Abuse
Control) Ministers, the Attorney-General, Deputy Ministers, CCDAC members,
ambassadors, resident representatives of UN agencies, departmental heads, the
delegate of ASEAN, delegates of South Pacific Island Countries Association,
officials of Interpol and UNDCP, heads and members of Australia, Azerbaijan,
People’s Republic of China, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Macau
special Administrative Region, Fiji, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia,
Myanmar, New Zealand, Pakistan, the Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand,
Vietnam, journalists and observers.
CCDAC Chairman Minister for Home Affairs Col- Tin Hlaing
delivered an opening address at the meeting. The international community is now
fully aware of the problem, of narcotic drugs and the dangers what has been
threatening the en- tire human society. The traffic of illicit drugs,
transcending international borders, has taken its rightful place to become a
major transnational crime.
The main four topics laid down by the 23rd HONLEA Meeting
were discussed at the meeting. They were:
– illegal trafficking of heroin,
-electronic crimes concerning the strategy of drug
trafficking, control of stimulant tablets, and
– trafficking in drugs through sea routes.
These topics were discussed by the delegates in four
groups. Altogether 18 nations as well as Hong Kong Special Administrative
Region and Macau Special Administrative Region total- ling took part in the
meeting. Altogether 82 delegates and 8 observers attended the meeting.
The meeting was sponsored by the UNDCP Head Office and the
CCDAC of Myanmar. In fact, there have been benefits and success for hosting that
meeting. Heads and delegates of various nations remarked that the 24th meeting
was more successful than previous ones.
A significant point is that although there was an
accusation that heroin was produced from the Golden Triangle Region, it is found
in view of seizures of heroin and evidence that heroin has been flowing into
East Asia from the West. One more significant point is that the drug trafficking
routes have changed. As regards the heroin passage from the West to the East, it
is learnt that heroin seized previously was produced from the Golden Triangle
Region shared by Myanmar, Thai- land and Laos. On account of laboratory
experiments and seizures, it has been known that the passage of heroin produced
from the Golden Crescent Region has reached up to Pakistan. Some countries have
stated that they have found illegal smuggling of heroin and related drugs which
originated from the Golden Crescent Area.
There is a decrease in Myanmar in terms of cultivation and
production and the 15-year project in course of implementation and narcotic drug
elimination programmes are being implemented in cooperation with national race
leaders. The 15-year project has now been one year old. During this one-year
period, cultivation and production of narcotic drugs has decreased.
As stated, the illicit drug trafficking has become the
major transnational crime. The huge profits generated by the drug trade has
triggered incentives to drug traffickers that they do not heed any more even to
the death penalties prescribed in national legislations for drug crimes. Drug
trafficking crimes have not only seriously undermined the economy, political and
social fabrics but also the stability of community Peace and tranquility and national security of country states. In this regard, it is appropriate to welcomed the initiative- taken by all concerned member states and the UN in drafting the UN Convention against Transnational Crimes at Vienna, soon to be signed in December 2000 at Palermo, Italy.
It is apparent that the fight against drugs trafficking could neither be fought nor won by one country alone nor by leaving one country. Drug traffickers take foot- holds in countries that have weak anti-drug legislation’s, irrelevant enforcement strategies and out dated interdiction tactics. They would then take full advantage of these short comings to traffic drugs in and out of the country thus affecting and creating a threat to
neighboring countries. It is imperative that one country should not be left out but all countries should stand together based on mutual understanding, trust and cooperative spirit to form a strong and united front. The UNDCP plays a key role in combating drug menace. No one can deny that narcotic drugs abuse affect all lives. Each and every one of us has an obligation and responsibility to fight against it.
Myanmar has been embarking on a l5 year master plan commencing l999-2000 to totally eliminate drugs in the country by the year 2014. The ASEAN has set course on the same agenda as Myanmar on its ASEAN Vision 2020 by reducing the target date to Drug Free ASEAN 2015 at the ASEAN ministerial meeting in Bangkok in July this year.
:Theimm Htutt