Drug possessors sentenced
31 March – Members of local intelligence unit and Special Anti-drug Squad,
acting on information, searched the house of Ma Malu and Ma Makaw in Monkoe on 6
July 2001 and found 396 grams of heroin in 18 soap-boxes. Kyugok Police Station
filed Ma Malu, 30, of Ward 6 and Ma Makaw, 34, of Ward 4 in Monkoe under the
Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law. Muse District Court handed down
fifteen-year imprisonment each on them under Section 19 (A) on 15 February 2002.
Drug dealers sentenced
Yangon, 30 March
– A combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit and Special
Yangon Anti-Drug Squad, acting on a tip-off, arrested Sai Nyo and Ma Waing on
Shinsawpu Road in Sangyoung Township on 8 January 2001 evening together with
2,384 stimulant tablets weighing 324.22 grams. In connection with the case, the
Sangyoung Police Station filed Sai Nyo, 27, son of U Phu of Room B-8, Mingalazay
Street, between 30th and 73rd Streets, Mandalay, and Ma Waing (a) Ma San Kham,
28, daughter of U Win Tun of No 114, 27th Street, between 66th and 68th Streets,
Chanayethazan Township, Mandalay, under Section 15/19 (A)/21 of Narcotic Drugs
and Psychotropic Substances Law. Sai Nyo was sentenced to 15 years in prison
under Section 19(A)/ 21 and Ma Waing (a) Ma San Kham to 20 yearsÕ imprisonment
under Section 19 (A) on 4 March 2002.
Drug trafficker sentenced
15 March – A combined team comprising members of the local intelligence unit and
the local police force, acting on a tip-off, searched the house of Saw Kalay of
Yanmyoaung Village, Kyaukkyi Township, and seized 3.347 kilos of marijuana on 2
September 2001 morning. In connection with the case, Natthankwin Police Station
took action against Saw Kalay (a) Saw Namu Napha, 47, son of U Sein Pe, under
section 15/19(A)/20(A) of the Narcotic Drugs and Psycho-tropic Substances Law.
Toungoo District Court handed down a sentence of 20 years’ imprisonment under
section 19 (A) on Saw Kalay (a) Saw Namu Napha on 31 January 2002.
Drug traffickers get life sentence
13 March – A combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit and
Tachilek Anti-drug Squad, acting on information, searched the house of Kyashikha
of Namtphone Village in Tachilek Township. Along with Kyashikha in the house
were Kyahti and Kyahtaw. The authorities seized 150,000 stimulant tablets in the
handbag from the ceiling of the bedroom on 28 September 2001.
In connection with the case, Tachilek Police Station filed
Kyashikha, 33, son of U Kya Saw of Namtphone Village in Tachilek Township,
Kyahti, 25, son of U Kyayaw of Pauk Village in Mongyan Township and 30-year-old
Kyahtaw under section 15/19 (A)/21 of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances
Law. On 4 February 2002, Tachilek District Court handed down five years’
imprisonment under section 15 and life sentence under section 19 (A) each on
them to serve separately.
Drug traffickers sentenced
Yangon, 8 March – A combined squad of
members of local intelligence unit and Myanmar Police Force, acting on a
tip-off, searched Kan Htoo and Win Thein who were at the tea shop in the
compound of railway hospital at Zaygon East Ward, Insein Township, here on 3
September 2001. The authorities arrested the two together with 4 packages of
marijuana weighing 1.992 kilos in their possession.
Action was taken against Kan
Htoo, 44, son of U Tun Shwe of No 504, Pawhsanmwe Road, Hlinethaya Township and
Win Thein, 52, son of U Pain of No 1942, Zabuyadana 3rd Street, Phawkan Ward,
Insein Township, Zaw Min Hteik, 19, son of U Aung Than of Tinminnyinaung Road,
Aung Soe Moe Ward, Kyaukkyi, Kyaw Myint, 23, son of U Hla Moe of Yepaukgyi
Village, Zalon Township, Min Lwin, 30, son of U Ei of East Gyokon Ward Insein,
and Aye Aye Khine, 31, daughter of U Tun Ngwe of Aphyauk Village, Nyaungdon
Township under Section 15/19(A)/20(A)/21 of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic
Substances Law by Insein Police Station in connection with the seizure of the
drug. Kan Htoo was sentenced to 25 years in prison under Section 19 (A), Win
Thein, Zaw Min Hteik, Kyaw Myint and Aye Aye Khine to 25 years’ imprisonment
each under Section 19 (A)/21, Min Lwin to 5 years in prison under Section 15 and
25 years’ imprisonment under Section 19 (A)/21 to serve separately by Yangon
North District Court on 28 February 2002.
Two marijuana traffickers jailed 15 years each
6 March – A combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit and Bago
Special Anti-Drug Squad, acting on information, searched a bus with number
plates 3Kha/6544 at Polan check-point in Bago at 3.30 am on 23 November 2000.
They seized 12 kilos of marijuana in the bag of passengers Kyi Soe and Zaw Win.
The Bago Township Police Station No 1 filed Kyi Soe, 33, son of U Pauk Sa of
Kyuntan village, Yedashe Township and Zaw Win, 37, son of U Pho Cho, under
Sections 15/ 19(A)/ 21 of Narcotic Drugs and Phychotropic Substances Law. On 23
January 2002, Bago District Court sentenced Kyi Soe and Zaw Win to 15 years’
imprisonment each under Section 19 (A) of Narcotic Drugs and Phychotropic
Substances Law.
Drug traffickers sentenced
5 March – A combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit and
Yangon Special Anti-Drug Squad, acting on a tip-off, searched Ma Nan Hla Nyunt
and Ma Khin Pyone Yi in front of Koehtatgyi Pagoda on Bagaya Road in Sangyoung
Township on 9 March 2001 morning.
The authorities found 2,000 stimulant tablets in Ma Nan Hla
Nyunt’s bag. On questioning, a total of 35,400 stimulant tablets were also
seized from her house at No 32, Kyaunggon Street, Linlun (North) Ward, Sangyoung
Township. In connection with the case, Sangyoung Police Station filed Ma Nan Hla
Nyunt, 35, daughter of U Kyin, and Ma Khin Pyone Yi, 49, daughter of U Si Yu Pin
Kaung of No 36, Baya Theikdi Street, Kyarkwetthit Ward, Tamway Township, under
Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law. Yangon West District Court
handed down a five years’ imprisonment under Section 15 and a 20 years’
imprisonment under Section 19 (A) on Ma Nan Hla Nyunt, and a five years’
imprisonment under Section 15 and a ten years’ imprisonment under Section 19 (A)
/21 on Ma Khin Pyone Yi on 25-2-2002 to serve separately.