Drug traffickers get long term imprisonment

Drug traffickers get

long term imprisonment  



31 Jan — Loilem District Court on 10 December sentenced Maung Kyaw of Kontan

Village, Konyaung Village-tract, Loilem Township to  20 years in prisonment for

possession of 1.404 kilos of raw opium.

Maung Kyaw, 41, son of U Kun was

arrested in his house with the drugs at 10 am on 1 October 2002 when a combined

team of local intelligence unit and local  police force, acting on information,

searched the house. The case was filed at Mongpun Police Station.

Similarly, Yangon East District

Court handed down Ma Tin Myint of Dagonmyothit (South) Township 20 years

imprisonment for possession of narcotic drugs for trafficking on 26 December.The

case was that a combined team of local  intelligence and Yangon Special

Anti-Drug Squad acting on a tip-off searched Ma Tin Myint’s house at No. 1605,

Nilar 2nd street, 57th Ward, Dagonmyothit ( South) at 10 pm on 11 September 2002

and seized 616 grammas of marijuana. Action is being taken against Ma Tin Myint,

41,  daughter of U Armut Hmyar by Dagonmyothit ( South) Police Station under the

section 15/19 (Ka) of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances  Law.


Drug traffickers sentenced



30 Jan — A combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit and Bago

Anti-Drug Squad, acting on a tip-off, searched a house of Daw Than Myint of No

64, Nyeinchanyay 3-Street, 13-Ward, and that of Daw San Wai in Toungoo on 23 May

2002 and seized 108.17 grams of opium from the latter’s house in the same


In connection with the case, action was being taken

against them under Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by No 2 Police

Station, Toungoo.

On 2 December, Toungoo District Court sentenced Daw

Than Myint to life imprisonment under Section 19 (A)/23 and Daw San Wai to five

years’ imprisonment under Section  15.



Drug Trafficker




26 Jan — A combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit and

Mandalay Anti-Drug Squad, acting on a tip-off, searched the house of Soe U Tar,

26, son of U Paw Oo of Cherry Road, Thirimingala Ward, Meiktila, on 5 January,

2002, and seized 439.13 grams of marijuana. In connection with the case, No 1

Police Force Station, Meiktila, filed him under Section 15/19 (A) of Narcotic

Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.

On 26 December, Meiktila District

Court sentenced him to five years’ imprisonment under section 15 and 15 years’

imprisonment under section 19 (A) to serve separately.



tablets seized in Hpa-an


angon, 24 Jan –

A combined

team comprising members of the local intelligence unit and Hpa-an Special

Anti-drug Squad, acting on information, on 16 January searched the house of Tin

Win of Naung Lon Village in Hpa-an Township and seized 723 stimulant tablets.

Action was taken against Tin Win (a) Hpa Pwe, 40, son of U Kyaw under Sections

15/19 (A)/ 20(A)(B) of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by Hpa-an

Police Station. The Hpa-an District Court handed down  5 years’ imprisonment on

Tin Win (a) Hpa Pwe under Section 15 and 15 years’ imprisonment under Section

19(A) to serve separately. 


Drug dealers sentenced



17 Jan – A combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit and

members of Tachilek Special Anti-Drug Squad, acting on information, searched Aik

Sam on the Palongkon Street, Ponehtun Block, Tachilek Township, on 20 August,

2002 and seized him together with 70 stimulant tablets.

In connection with the case,

action was taken against Aik Sum, 25, son of U Aik Yi in Namhsan Township under

Section 15/19 (a) of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by Tachilek

Police Station. The District Court of Tachilek handed down Aik Sam to 5 years’

imprisonment under Section 15 and 12 years’ imprisonment under Section 19 (a)

separately on 17 December.

Similarly, a combined team

comprising members of local intelligence unit and Tachilek Special Anti-Drug

Squad, acting on information, searched the house of Htun Hlaing (a) Aik Htun and

seized a visitor arriving there, Aik Yi together with 1200 stimulant tablets and

wife of Aik Htun, Ma Ei Nut together with 30 stimulant tablets totalling 1230

stimulant tablets. In connection with the case, action was taken against the

three culprits Htun Hlaing (a) Aik Htun, 40, son of U Sine Lon, Ma Ei Nut, 29,

daughter of U Kyin Hon in Muse and Aik Yi, 35, son of U Aik Kut in Namhkam under

Section 15/19 (a)/ 21 of Nacotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by

Tachilek Police Station. The District Court of Tachilek handed down the three

culprits to 20 years’ imprisonment each on 17 December.


Drug trafficker




15 Jan – A combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit and

police force, acting on a tip-off, searched Tun Wai at Lunn Kyaing riverside

bathing place in Tachilek on 24 June, 2002, and seized 15 liters of phencodine

from him.

In connection with the case,

action was taken against Tun Wai, 31, son of U Bo of Palian (1) Ward, Honglaik

village-tract in Tachilek under Section 15/19 (A)/ 20 (B) of Narcotic Drugs and

Psychotropic Substances Law by Tachilek Police Station. Tachilek District Court

sentenced him to 20 years’ imprisonment under section 19 (A) on 6 December.


Drug possessor jailed



13 Jan – Acting on a tip-off, a combined team comprising members of local

intelligence unit and Tachilek Anti-drug Squad, searched Daw San Nyu in

Lwesitone Village, Hongleik village-tract, Tachilek, on 1 September 2002 and

apprehended her together with 0.8 kilo of raw opium.

In connection with the case,

Tachilek Police Station opened the case against Daw San Nyu, 57, daughter of U

Chaw Hla, under Section 15/19(A) of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic

Substances Law. Tachilek District Court sentenced her to 5 years’ imprisonment

under Section 15 and 15 years’ imprisonment under Section 19 (A) separately on 6

December 2002.


Drug trafficker gets death sentence

Yangon, 8

Jan – On 25 January 2002, Yangon Division Bureau of Special Investigation

revealed that Kyaw Hlaing (a) Yaw Hpa Li of Mawra Giwa Ward, Chanayethazan

Township in Mandalay, carried 240 kilos of heroin blocks and 6.5 million

stimulant pills on board Shwengagyi motor boat from Kyauktada jetty near

Thakayta rice warehouses in Mingala-taungnyunt Township to the fishing boat of

Thailand in Adman Sea in December 2000. The drug trafficker, making contacts

with groups from abroad, had carried and sold 1,427 kilos of heroin, 138.7

million stimulants, 28,197.2 kilos of ephedrine powder, 12,100 kilos of caffeine

and 12 viss of opium since 1992.


Mingalataungnyunt Police Station filed the drug trafficker, 43, son of U Roger

Yin, under Sections 19 (A), (B), (D), 20 (B), 22 (A) and 21 of the Narcotic

Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law. The Yangon Division court held a special

court and handed down unlimited years of imprisonment under Sections 19 (B), 21

and 22 (A), unlimited years of imprison-ment under Sections 19 (D), 21, 22(A), a

death sentence under Sections 20 (B), 21, 22 (A) on Kyaw Hlaing (a) Yaw Hpa Li.

The court passed a sentence of death on the culprit by hanging him till death

under Section 368 (1).
