Coord meeting held on management of movable and unmovable property related to drug case
YANGON, 14 Sept– A coordination meeting
on management of vehicles, motorcycles, jewellery, cash and buildings which are movable and
umnovable property related to the narcotic drug cases was held at the meeting hall of Myanmar
Police Force of the Ministry of llome kf fairs this morning.
At the meeting, Seaetary of Central Cornmittee for
drug Abuse Control Director General of MPF Police MajGen Soe Win and deputy commander
of State and Division Myanmar Police Force, staff officers, supervisors and I leaders of special
anti-drug squads discussed anangements to be made for_ ment sector in aCCOrd with 1993
Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.
Over K 181.68 rniDion worth of movabk and
unmovabk property were confiscated from 1993 to August 1999.