Two men get imprisonment for
possession of drugs
11 May – PyinOoLwin Township Court passed a sentence of six-year imprisonment
each on two men on 6 January 1999.
Police Force of PyinOoLwin Township, acting on
information, searched the house of Ar Lue (a) Pyu Shwe, 32, Kyadwinye Village,
PyinOoLwin Township, on 23 January 1998, and uncovered 1.74 gms of opium residue
and 0.54 gm of morphine be- longing to Myint Swe of the same village.
Action has been taken against the two under
the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law. They were sentenced by the
court to one year’s imprisonment each under Section 15 and five years’
imprisonment each under Section 16 (C).