Heroin blocks seized in Muse
5 Nov – A combined team comprising members
of local intelligence unit and Myanmar Police Force, acting on information,
stopped and searched a van with number plate 6ka/2674 that left Kyukok (Pangsai),
near Namhu Village on Myoma- Mongkoe Road, Kyukok (Pangsai), Muse Township, Shan
State (North), on 7 October. They arrested Wangpong, son of Hsangpyin Guang from
Xian Xang Township, Honang Province, China and seized 24 blocks of heroin
weighing O.24 kilo hid- den from him.
Further investigation revealed that he had swallowed
some blocks of heroin. Therefore an emergency operation was performed at
People’s Hospital in Muse. Another ten blocks of heroin weighing 0.1 kilo were
,found in his stomach. Altogether 34 blocks of heroin weighing 0.34 kilo were
seized from Wangpong. Action was taken against him according to the Narcotic
Drugs and Psychotropic Sub- stances Law.