3rd Destruction of Narcotic Drugs Ceremony

3rd Destruction of Narcotic
Drugs Ceremony – 26th November 1990 Yangon


  • Secretary-1 of the State Law
    and Order Restoration Council and members
  • Resident Representatives of UN
  • Diplomats and Military
  • Representatives of the UN Drug
    Control Programme and PRC Drug Control Division
  • Foreign Media Personnel
  • Local Media Personnel
  • Other Guests

    Report made by the Central Committee for Drug Abuse


    Esteemed Chairman of the
    Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control, the Secretary-1 of the State Law
    and Order Restoration Council and members, Resident Representatives of UN
    Agencies, Diplomats and Military Attaches, Representatives of the UN Drug
    Control Programme and PRC Drug Control Division, local and foreign media
    personnel, and distinguished guests,

    Thank you all for your
    presence at this Third Destruction of Narcotic Drugs seized by Law
    Enforcement Agencies.

    In the first portion, I would
    like to present the policy concerning border areas here opium is mainly
    grown and produced, out of the policies followed in preventing the threat of
    narcotic drugs in Myanmar today.

    Destroyed by Diplomatics and UN representatives

    The policy is “to strive
    for gradually reducing production of narcotic drugs id finally putting to an
    end totally to production of narcotic drugs while implementing development
    projects for national races in the areas concerned.”

    Accordingly, the State Law
    and Order Restoration Council has formed the central Committee for
    Development of Border Areas and National Races and the Work committee for
    Development of Border Areas and National Races and taken measures.

    The State has spent millions
    of kyats on agriculture, livestock breeding, road links, housing and
    establishment of new towns, transport, trade and cooperatives, health,
    location, mineral exploration, power supply and so on in Kokang and Wa
    regions in Southern Shan State, Kengtung and Mawpha regions in eastern Shan
    State and northern regions of Kachin State. As such, success has been
    achieved in realizing the objective putting to an end to narcotic drug
    production through development of border areas id national races.

    Realization of this objective
    in turn contributes toward mobilizing conscientious participation of
    national races in the fight against narcotic drugs.

    All of you may have heard of
    news that two refineries engaged in production heroin, opium and morphine
    used for the purpose, heroin, chemicals and araphernalia with a street price
    in the United States of America of over US $ 500 million were put torch by
    local leaders near Laukkai village in Kokang region in northern Shan State
    on 22 November.

    Distinguished guests,

    The Shweli Valley, home to
    Shan, Kachin, Palaung and Lihsu national races; Kokang region of Kokang
    nationals and Wa region of Wa nationals in north-cast of Myanmar are regions
    bordering the neighbouring country. They are strategic areas which – have
    safeguarded at the cost of many lives.

    Without even recalling
    aggressive wars of many years past. if we study the st war which started on
    I January 1968 of No 45 Myanmar Regiment in the northtst of the country, we
    will notice the political, military and strategic objectives of the Ba Ka Pa
    (BCP) (Burmese Communist Party) calling for establishment of Red Power area
    from Shweli Valley to e Bago Yoma, then throughout the country by organizing
    national races, arming the recruits, and creating liberated areas.

    In accord with these
    objectives, they perpetrated military engagements of high intensity among
    the national races. In the process they occupied- Shweli Valley (Muse,
    Namhkam, Momeik) at first,


    Kokang region on the east of
    the Thanlwin River in the second stage

    Wa region on the east of the
    Thanlwin River in the third stage.

    They armed the national races
    and set up battalions No 303, 404, 505 and so on. In the military
    engagements lasting more than two decades, good sons of the nation died, in
    other words they sacrificed their dear lives for the motherland they loved
    inch. Many families of national races were disrupted with the loss of their
    sons and husbands. Towns and villages were deprived of peace and pleasant
    atmosphere. Transport and communication links were cut off. Uneducated
    youths were subjected to death, starvation and suppression. Finally, they
    were addicted to heroin. National unity too was jeopardized.

    The atmosphere which
    reverberated with songs and music of national races in the past was replaced
    by the sound of exploding bombs and gunfire and stench of carbide and blood.

    Starting front the late 1970,
    BCP (Burmese Communist Party) insurgents began to force the local national
    races to grow opium poppy, establish refineries and produce heroin on a
    large scale. In addition to waging a genocidal war among national races and
    heroin war against the entire human race, they victimized the national races
    in that war.

    Out of the total population
    of nearly 100,000 in Kokang area, 75 per cent re said to have grown opium
    poppy and nearly 3,000 are addicted.

    Similarly, in Shweli Valley
    in Wa region and Kengtung region, production and distribution of drugs has
    increased because of BCP (Burmese Communist Party).

    Distinguished guests,

    As national races could no
    longer to lerate the BCP (Burmese Communist Party) , they have left the
    after and implemented regional development projects in cooperation with the
    Government. In connection with Kokang region, leader of the region U Phon
    Kya Shin said:

    BCP (Burmese Communist Party)
    entered the Kokang region beginning 1968. They collected tax from opium
    poppy growers, heroin producers and drug traffickers to feed their armed

    In 1985, the BCP (Burmese
    Communist Party) allowed its troops to retine opium and produce heroin and
    engage in drug trafficking.

    There had been no progress
    for more than 20 years.

    His group has decided to
    strive for eliminaiton of narcotic drugs in spite of many difficulties.

    Efforts will be made to
    eliminate narcotic drugs from the region.

    This will be carried out
    under a six-year project.

    There are plans to engage in
    agriculture, livestock breeding and small-scale industries to replace opium

    In connection with combating
    narcotic drugs, he said Kokang area will wage its war against narcotic drugs
    as a naitonal duty till to the successful end. The reasons, he said, were
    because of the encouragement of Maj-Gen Khin Nyunt, to counter false
    allegations of foreign radio and publications, because of grave condition of
    youths addicted to drugs in their region and out of grave concern felt after
    realizing the fact that the ignoble business has brought dishonour to the
    nation and affected the local populace adversely.

    The anti-drug song chanted in
    Kokang region today has reverberated the areas of the motherland where Mekha,
    Malikha, Shweli, Thanlwin, Chindwin, Ayeyawiidy and Sittoung Rivers flow.

    In place of the stench of
    carbide, blood and opium present in that hill area, there now exist sounds
    of traditional songs and music, school children reciting poems and saying
    prayers of the elders.

    The anti-drug movement in
    Kokang region will cause repercussions not only Myanmar but also in the
    world as a whole.

    Dtinguished guests,

    Evidence hits been produced
    today that some nations, some foreign broadcasting tions and some
    publications are levelling false accusations in connection with anti-durg
    measures taken by Myanmar in order to cover up chaotic conditions of the
    drug problem in their own countries.

    Truth has prevailed now. They
    said we are growing opium poppy and producing thousands of kilos of drugs.
    But I would like to ask them will they not mention transactions at their
    airports, ports and on the streets involving tens of thousands of tons of
    heroin conducted in collaboration with the authorities.

    Distinguished guests,

    Our study team has recently
    visited the Golden Triangle area bordering Myanmar, Thailand and Laos. The
    place hits been incorrectly cited as the largest opium producing area in the
    world. Pointing fingers at our side, they said those were the hills where
    opium poppy was grown and the area prodticted the largest amount of drugs.
    But such people are like a human parasite keeping close to an elephant to
    share sugarcane fed to the animal. In fact they have built hotels, baths,
    massage parlours and stores. They are earning foreign exchange after opening
    these facilities with proceeds realized from the products on our side. Not
    much opium poppy is grown in the Golden Triangle area. We will take you
    there at a convenient time.

    Distinguished guests,

    Our country has been taking
    anti-drug measures steadfastly as a national duty. Myanmar has also sent
    representatives to meeetings on drugs sponsored by the United Nations. It
    has followed the principles, discipline and procedures that conform to State
    policies being practised.

    Myanmar became a party to the
    1961 Convention on Narcotic Drugs. It has discussed and coordinated
    cooperation among neighbours in the subregion with China and Thailand at the
    first meeting held recently. That will soon materialize.

    Resident Representative Mr
    Gerd Merrem of the UN Development Programme discussed measures taken by our
    country as such:

    He said regardi