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Meeting of Heads of National Drugs Law Enforcement

Agencies of Asia-Pacific (HONLEA) commences

The 24th Meeting of Heads of

National Drugs Law Enforcement Agencies of the Asia-Pacific Region (HONLEA),

organized by the UNDCP and hosted by Union of Myanmar, commenced on 14 November,

2000 at Hotel Equatorial in Yangon with the opening address by Col. Tin Hlaing,

Chairman of the Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control and Minister for Home


Following the address by

Minister Col. Tin Hlaing, Representative of the United Nations International

Drug Control Programme (UNDCP) Mr. Sandro Calvani made a speech.

Present at the opening ceremony were members of

the CCDAC ministers, the Attorney-General, the Auditor-General, deputy

ministers, members of the CCDAC, ambassadors, resident representatives of UN

Agencies, departmental heads, the delegate of ASEAN, delegates of South Pacific

Island Countries Association, officials of INTERPOL and UNDCP, heads and members

of Australia, Azerbaijan, People’s Republic of China, Hong Kong Special

Administrative Region, Macao Sepcial Administrative Region, Fiji, Indonesia,

Japan, Repulic of Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, New Zealand, Pakistan, the

Philippines, Singapore,Sri Lanka, Thailand , Vietnam, local and foreign

journalists and observers.

Opening ceremony of 24th HONLEA in progress.
