Biodiversity Conservation

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Protected Areas System (PAS)

Diverse forest ecosystems in Myanmar are home to nearly 300 known mammal species, 360 reptiles and about 

1,000 bird species. Myanmar is also  endowed with about 7,000 plant species. 

Myanmar is found to have more than  1,200 species of butterfly, of which six 

are identified as rare species even at the  global level. So far, 23 sanctuaries and 

five parks, constituting about 2.26%  (15,270 km2) of the total land area of the 

country have been established under the  existing PAS, and proposals for forming 

new protected areas have also been  made. It is stipulated in Myanmar Forest 

Policy, 1995 that the coverage of the PAS will be increased to 5% in the short 

term. In the long term it is intended to  increase up to 10%. 


Ecotourism Development


Alaungdawkathapa National Park in

Upper Myanmar

The natural forests of Myanmar provide substantial opportunities for ecotourism development. The Meinmahla Kyun 

Wildlife Sanctuary in the Ayeyawady Delta, the Hlawga Park near  Yangon, the Yangon Zoological Gardens, the Moyungyi Wet-

lands Wildlife Sanctuary near Bago, the Seinyay Forest Resort| on the  strategic road across Bago Yoma teak forests, the

Popa Mountain  Park and the Shwe-set-taw Wildlife Sanctuary in the Central Myanmar. the

Pyin-Oo-lwin Botanical

Gardens, the Alaungdaw Kathapa National Park in Upper Myanmar and the Inle Lake

Wetlands Wildlife  Sanctuary on the  Shan Plateau of  Eastern Myanmar are 

among those with  outstanding  ecotourism potential.


Botanical gardens in Pyin-Oo-Lwin

The Inn-daw-gyi Wetlands  Wildlife Sanctuary in northern 

Myanmar and the Natma Taung  National Park on the north-west Chin  Hills are also of high potential for

ecotourism and are now being developed. The Chatthin Wildlife  Sanctuary in Upper 

Myanmar is also the  protected area where  development activities 

for ecotourism are  being made. Moreover,  the Khakarborazi  National I Park in the 

far north constitutes an attractive environment  with snow-capped mountains and 

sub-alpine forests and opportunities  for mountaineering and outdoor  recreation.


Most striking upgradings have recently been made at Pyin-Oo-Lwin Botanical Gardens, Popa Mountain 

Park and Moyungyi  Wetlands Wildlife Sanctuary, to promote

ecotorism, public recreation, education and research.

Seinyay ecotourism camp in Bago
