Conference held on Myanmar’s narcotics eradication
( 10th August, 1999 )
YANGON, 10 Aug-Press Conference on eradication of narcotic drugs in
Myanmar was held this evening at No 2 Tatmadaw Guest House of the Ministry of Defence.
Present on the occasion were Deputy Minister for Information Brig-Gen Aung Thein,
specially invited
guests, military attaches in Yangon led by Dean of the Military Attache
Corps Military Attache of the Russian Embassy Col Vladimir I Kontchakov.
Deputy Chief of Office of the Strategic Studies Deputy Director of Defence Services
Intelligence Brig-Gen Kyaw
Win delivered an address.
Head of Department of Office of the Strategic Studies Col Thein Swe explained the
policies of the Ce4tral Committee for Drug Abuse Control (CCDAC), progress in conducting
drug eradication tasks in Myanmar, cooperation with the national races groups which have
peace with the government and cooperation
with the neighbours.
He said the Nation and Bangkok Post dailies of Thailand issued slanderous news on
Myanmar to disparage Myanmar’s anti-narcotics campaigns. General Secretary of ONCB Mr
Payont Pantsri told Bangkok Post that Thailand and Myanmar are co-operating in
anti-narcotics campaigns with full understanding; and no officials had said such
slanderous things. He said a letter of complaint, warning the dailies not to report any
false information in the future had been sent to them.
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