Reform in the administrative system of the General
Administration Department
The State Law and Order Restoration Council in its Letter No.
7/ 93 – 6/ Na Wa Ta dated 30-10-88 transferred 174 employees of the staff of the
State Law and Order Restoration Council Office and a total 26, 140 employees
serving at the State / Division and Township People’s Council Offices back to
the General Administration Department under the Ministry of Home and Religious
Affairs, along with other employees serving at different places beginning
The Government of Union of Myanmar reorganized the General
Affairs Department under the Ministry of Home and Religious Affairs as the
General Administration Department as of 7-11-88 in its Notification No. 4/88
dated 7 November 1988. The State Law and Order Restoration Council then
reconstituted the Ministry of Border Areas and National Races Development into
the Ministry for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development
Affairs in its Notification No. 15/94 dated 30-1-94. Accordingly, the
Development Affairs Division of the General Administration Department was
transferred to that Ministry.
In accord with the Declaration No. 5/88 of the State Law and
Order Restoration Council dated 20 September 1988, officers at different
positions with the General Administration Department served as members in the
different levels of the Law and Order Restoration Council. In accord with the
Declaration No. 14/92 of the State Law and Order Restoration Council dated 20
September 1992; Township Administrative Officers have been assigned as chairmen
of the respective Township Law and Order Restoration Council. The Deputy
Commissioners, Additional Commissioners and Commissioners continued to serve as
members in the respective District, Sub-State, Sub-Division and State-Division
Law and Order Restoration Council.
As demanded by the time and condition, the State Peace and
Development Council was reconstituted on 15-11-1997 and the new Administrative
machinery was established with new members to ensure peace and development to
flourish a disciplined democracy and to build a peaceful, modern and developed
nation speedily with a view to serving the interests of the nation and the
Organizational set-up and sanctioned strength
The General Administration Department is composed of the Head Office, 14
State/ Division Offices, 2 Sub-State Offices, 1 Sub-Division Office, 63 District
Offices, 324 Township Offices with Homein Special Region. Sanctioned strength of
the entire General Administration Department is as follows:-

Five Divisions of Head Office
The General Administration Department is made up of the
following five divisions.
(a) General Division,
(b) Land, Excise and Revenue Division,
(c) Press Scrutiny and Registration Division,
(d) Budget and Accounts Division,
(e) Personal Affairs and Supply Division.
General Division
The duties of the division are as follows-
(1) to carry out legal affairs,
(2) to undertake formation of towns and villages,
(3) to disburse and supervise rural development fund,
(4) to undertake formation of associations according to law,
(5) to confer the titles and awards on the deserving persons,

Delivering of Opening Speech
by Minister for Home Affairs Col.Tin Hlaing delivers at GAD’s third four-monthly
coordination meeting for year 2000.

Minister for Home Affairs Col.Tin Hlaing receives Chinese
delegation arriving at Yangon to attend the coordination meeting of regional
security between Myanmar and China on 25-11-1999.

Opening of Rural Development Road of Tha Hman Gyi village,
Khayan Township by Deputy Director General U Maung Win of General Administration
Department on 26-3-2000.
Land Excise and Revenue Division
The duties of the division are as follows-
(1) to handle land management in accord with law,
(2) to deal with excise management,
(3) to supervise collection of four revenues,
Press Scrutiny and Registration Division
The duties of the division are as follows-
(1) to take part in the task for emergence of literature
conductive to the successful realization of the State’s national objectives,
(2) to take part in the task for emergence of literature
contributing towards ensuring stability of the State community peace and
tranquillity, prevalence of law and order and national reconsolidation,
(3) to play a role in efforts for emergence of literature
assisting the uplift of the morale and morality of the entire nation and uplift
of national prestige and integrity and preservation and safeguarding of cultural
heritage and national character,
(4) to take part in the task for emergence of literature
assisting national all-round progress and physical and spiritual development of
the national people,
(5) to take part in the efforts for the successful realization of the
Ministry’s objectives,

Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin
Hlaing gives suggestions to officials at the office of Press Scrutiny and
Registration Division.
Budget And Accounts Division
The duties of the division are as follows-
to execeed the income target and to take thrifty measures
in using funds,
to ensure all the expenditure to be in accord with
financial practices principles,

Construction of Kawthaung
Township’s guest house in Tanintharyi Division.
Personal Affairs and Supply Division
The duties of the division are as follows-
(1) to vitalize the patriotism of staff and to uplift their
loyalty to the State,
(2) to organize staff to observe service rules and existing
(3) to uplift occupational proficiency, qualification and
ability of staff,
(4) to conduct staff welfare programmes,
(5) to take control measures to prevent loss of State property and public

Minister for Home Affairs
Col.Tin Hlaing giving necessary instructions at the General Administration
Department, Yangon Eastern District.

Inspection by the Minister for
Home Affairs, Col. Tin Hlaing on fish breeding of GAD in Dala Township.
Officers of the State/Division, Sub-State/ Sub-Division,
Districts and Township General Administration Department Offices have to carry
out practically the following duties –
(a) Tasks entrusted by the State Peace and Development
(b) General Administration duties and functions entrusted by
the Ministry of Home Affairs,
(c) Functions delegated by other Ministries.
Tasks entrusted by the State Peace and Development Council
On 15 November 1997, in order that endeavours can be made
with aims at emergence of discipline-flourishing democratic system in the state
and building of a new, peaceful, tranquil and modern developed nation, the State
Law and Order Restoration Council has been dissolved and in the interest of the
state and the entire nationals, the State Peace and Development Council has been
formed with Chairman and 18 other members.
Different levels of Peace and Development Councils were
formed in States and Divisions, Sub-States, Sub-Division, Districts, Townships,
Wards and Village Tracts to implement the above main tasks.The Commissioners of
States and Divisions, the Additional Commissioners of Sub-States, Sub-Division
and the Deputy Commissioners of the District of the General Administration
Depertment serve as members of Peace and Development Council concerned. The
Township Officers serve as chairman of respective Township Peace and Development
Council except 9 Border Townships (Nan-yun, Namkham, Muse, Lawk-kai, Tachilek,
Myawaddy, Kawthaung, Maung-daw and Tamu). In these border areas, Township
Officers serve as secretaries.
Functions delegated by other Ministries
The following functions have been delegated to the General
Administration Department by other Ministries:-
(a) To issue venue permits for movie shows as delegated by
Notification dated 20-9-89 of the Ministry of Information,
(b) To carry out relief works according to notification dated
31-10-89 of the Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement,
(c) To disburse pensions and gratuities on behalf of the
Ministry of Finance and Revenue,
(d) To register small motor boats with engines below 20 horse
power on behalf of the Ministry of Transport and to carry out duties associated
with the task,
(e) In some remote areas, GAD officers have to take
responsibility to the tasks of other departments. So, they are assigned as
Judical, Treasury and Municipal officers.
Besides, the General Administration Department carries out
the following crime prevention duties:-
(a) To prevent acts which would disrupt law and order, peace
and tranquillity,
(b) To make conditional order to remove any unlawful
obstruction or public nuisance,
(c) To disperse unlawful assemblies,
(d) To direct postal and telegraph authorities to deliver
such document, parcel or thing, etc., wanted for investigation, inquiry, trial
or other proceeding,
(e) To prohibit people to enter or to depart from any
immovable property under disputes which is likely to cause breach of peace,
(f) To grant sanction to sue those who offend the Arms Act,
(g) To issue search warrants to police officers to enter and
search gambling houses,
(h) To remove adversaries from the premises in disputes
regarding monasteries and religious lands,
(i) To confiscate houses and compounds used by unlawful
Laws, acts, procedures, orders and directives
The General Administration Department is discharging its
duties in adherence to the (35) laws, acts, procedures and directives.
Implementation of the four constructive tasks
The different levels of General Administration Department
lay down plans to successfully implement the four constructive tasks, ie:
– morale development programme
– continuous training programme
– staff welfsare programme
– correct administrative system programme
– to be in line with the State policy,
– to be in accord with the basic principles,
– to be in accord with the procedures.
Rules of Conduct
– think widely,
– discharge the duties strenuously,
– say the truth,
– take a firm stand,
– be sincere and honest in words and deeds,
– deal with the people amicably and politely.