- Located in South East Asia region
- East Longitude 92� 10′ to 101� 11′.
- North Latitude 9� 30′ to 28�31′.
- Area is 261,228 sq miles (676,577 sq km).
- In the east, bounded by China and Laos.
- In the south east, bounded by Thailand.
- In the west, bounded by Bangladesh & India.
- In the south, lied the Andaman Sea & Gulf of Mottama.
- In the west, lied the Bay of Bengal.
- Neighboring boundary is 3,828 miles (6129 km).
- 3 Costal region : – Rakhine Coast, Delta Region & Tanintharyi Cost.
- Two third lies in tropical zone and one third is in the temperature zone.
- Tropical monson region with three seasons: – hot season, rainy season
& cold season.
- Devided into 7 states and 7 divisions
- There are 324 townships.