16,200 stimulant tablets seized at Myanmar-Thai border

stimulant tablets seized at Myanmar-Thai border

25 April � A combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit,
Myanmar Police Force and local people, acting on information, while waiting at
BP-1 of Myanmar-Thai border on 27 March, arrested drug traffickers Law Lauk Wan,
son of U Law Lauk Hsu of 121, Lwehsuhtit Road, Hsuhtit Ward, Chiangmai,
Thailand, Thaiphon Malihong, son of U Laikhton Malihong, Kyanphyin Malihong,
daughter of U Laikhton Malihong, Aik Lu (a) Chan Yoh Whah, son of U Aik Maung of
Palaung Village, Hopan/Howyetsalaung, Mongtung Township and Aik Yin, son of U
Aik Thein together with WY brand 16,200 stimulant tablets.

is taken against them under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.