27 kilos of Ephedrine seized in Mandalay

27 kilos of Ephedrine
seized in Mandalay

Win Myint, Myint Swe and Tin Tun with seized
Ephedrine in Chanayethazan Township.

19 Feb – Members of local intelligence unit, acting on information, raided the
house of Win Myint, son of U Kyi Yan Kyee La, at No 203 on 27th Street between
83rd and 84th Streets in Chanayethazan Township on 7 February.

The members of the unit seized 27
kilos of Ephedrine powder together with owner of the house.

According to his confession, the
authorities nabbed owners of Ephedrine powder U Ba Yin’s son Myint Swe who lives
in the house at the corner of 55 and Padaukwa Streets in Myayinanda Myothit,
Mandalay, and U Sein Hoak’s son Tin Tun of Saingtaung Village, Phakant Township.

Action is taken against them
under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.