Moe Hein Operation Phase 12
The BCP Camps of Nat Ma Ein, Lwe Pan Fat, Tar Ma Line, Sun
Su, Naung Le, Thet Ke Taung, Mu Se Kwe; Wa Insurgent Camps of
Wan Pa Laung, Lwe Ma An Khan, Kan Ti, Pan Phyet, Pan Taung, Ma
Hein Kaung, Lwe Ma Oun, Lwe Man Htaung, Ma Khae Nu, Lon Taung;
Chinese KMT Camps of Naung Oat, Htan Poe; SSA Camps of Par Chee,
Tat Ma Hein; KIA Camp of Pan Taung; SURA Camps of Lwe Lan,
Phaya Gone, Man Htaw Lon; 7 Opium Producing Camps of Naung Kan,
Mong Yawng, Ta Ku, Lwe Lan, Naung Le, and Par Chee reglon were
destroyed by Moe Hein Operation Phase 12. In this operation, the
Tatmadaw lost its 37 men, and 335 were injured. Eighty-six were killed
from the enemy side and one was captured alive. 82 different weapons,
acids and chemicals were seized. Enemy’s opium producing camps were