230 drug cases in
Yangon, 31 Jan –
Authorities concerned exposed 230 drug-related cases in December 2000. Tatmadaw
members seized 240. 269 Kilos of opium in one case,2A Kilos of heroin and 10
Kilos of brown opium in one case, 165.3234 Kilos of low- grade opium and 9.306
Kilos of marijuana one case, 1,020,860 stimulant tablets in six cases,
23882.0508 Kilos of Chemical powder and 2273 Litres of acetic anhydride in two
cases and 71611.966 Litres of chemical liquid in eight cases.
Myanmar Police Force members seized 0.1905 Kilo of opium in
eight cases, 0.1701 Kilo of heroin in 75 cases, 0.1625 Kilo of opium oil in two
cases,0.5343 Kilo of low-grade opium in seven cases, 7.5379 Kilos of marijuana
in 22 cases, 0.5 Litre of Phensedyl in one case,31876 stimulant tablets in 16
cases, 0.001 Kilo of stimulant powder in one case, 41 cases for failure to
register and three other cases. Tatmadaw and MPF members seized 4.1642 kilos of
opium in four cases, i.839 kilos of heroin and 0.0003 kilo of opium oil in 16
cases, 0.6591 Kilo of low-grade opium in one case, 26.2075 kilos of marijuana in
six cases and 111813 stimulant tablets in 16 cases. Action has been taken
against 302 persons 253 men and 49 women in connection with the cases during the
Drug traffickers get
15, 21 years
Yangon, 31 Jan –
A team comprising members of local intelligence unit and local Police Force,
acting on information, searched the boat anchored in front of Waihinmoe Fish
Purchase Centre in Shwehintha Ward, Kawthoung and arrested drug owners Aung Than
71 of Myothit Ward, Myeik, Nay Win Hlaing, 23 of Yekanthaung Village, Kyunsu
Township, Ohn Pe (a) San Yu, 30 and Thein Tun, 34 of Sakhanthit Village, Kyunsu
Township, and their accomplice Aye Tun, 25 of Inlaykan Ward, Myeik together with
25 100milliitre bottles of NEC, 84 bottles of Kocotdyl, 96 bottles of Phensedyl
totalling 205 bottles of 20.5 Liters of narcotic syrup.
Action was taken against the five in accord with Narcotic
Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law. The Kawthoung District Court handed down
21 years’ imprisonment’s under Section 20 (B) on Aung Than, Nay Win Hlaing, Ohn
Pe and Thein Tun, and 15 years’ imprisonment under Section 20 (B)/21 on Aye Tun
on 18 January 2001.
Drug trafficker gets 30
years’ imprisonment
Yangon, 30 Jan – A
combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit and Taunggyi Special
Anti-Drug Squad, acting on information, searched the house of Ma Nan Khan Hlaing
in Chantha Ward, Taunggyi on 26 July 2000 and seized 6960 stimulant tablets
weighing 0.696 kilo. Action was taken against Ma Nan Khan Hlaing, 41, daughter
of U Yauk Khan, of Sabai Pyu Street, Chantha Ward, Taunggyi under Section 15/19
(A) of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by Taunggyi No 1 Police
Station in connection with the seizure of the drugs. She was sentenced to 30
years’ imprisonment under Section 19 (A) of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic
Substances Law by Taunggyi District Court on 30 November 2000.
3,000 stimulant tablets
seized in Mingala Taungnyunt
Yangon, 27 Jan – A combined team
comprising members of local intelligence unit and Yangon Special Anti-Drug
Squad, acting on information, searched Khun Kyaw Than at the restaurant on
Lu-O-Yon Street in Mingala Taungnyunt Township at 12.45 noon on 22 May 1999. The
authorities seized WY brand 3,000 stimulant tablets weighing 0.2622 kilo.
Mingala Taungnyunt Police Station filed Khun Kyaw Than, 38, son of U Tin Soe of
214, Myopat Road, MingalaU Ward, Taunggyi, under Sections 15/19 (A) of Narcotic
Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law. On 6 December, Yangon East District Court
sentenced Khun Kyaw Than to five years’ imprisonment under Section 15 and 25
years’ under Section 19 (A) of the law to be served separately.
Drug trafficker gets 30
Yangon, 26 Jan- A
combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit and Myanmar Police
Force stopped and searched a Jeep (SFG 3/13/99), driven by Bo Bo, which was on
its way from Kalay to Tiochaung Village at Lwebwa Ward in Tiddim and seized
heroin weighing 64.29 grams hidden in a backpack on 6 June 2000. Tiddim Police
Station took action against passenger Lyan Za Mon, 31, son of U Sha Hyan Katt,
of Lyanna Village, Falam Township under Section 15/19 (A) of Narcotic Drugs and
Psycho-tropic Substances Law in connection with the seizure of the drug. Falam
District Court sentenced 30 years’ imprisonment to him under Section 19 (A) of
Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law on 14 December 2000.
Two get imprisonment
for possession of marijuana
Yangon, 23 Jan –
A combined team comprising members of 1Ocal inte11igence unit and Yangon
Anti-Drug Squad searched the house of Min Soe (a) Myint Soe in Htawanbe Ward of
North Okkalapa Township at mid-night on 24 October 1999.
They seized 8.16 kilos of marijuana. Waibagi Police Station
filed Min Soe (a) Myint Soe, 27, son of U Aye Kyaw of 271, Khema 2nd lane,
Htawanbe Ward, North Okkalapa Township and Min Thu (a) Zaw Min Htaik, son of U
Soe Myint of Letpadan Ward in Paungwe Village, DaikU Township, under Sections
15/l9 (A)/21 of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law. On 16
December 2000, Yangon- East District Court sentenced Min Soe (a) Myint Soe to 20
years’ imprisonment under Section 19 (A) and Min Thu (a) Zaw Min Htaik to five
years under Section 15 respectively.
Drug trafficker
YANGON, 19 Jan-
The Falam District Court sentenced a marijuana trafficker with 20 years’ prison
term on 22 December 2000.
Acting on information, at 6.15 pm on 31 July 2000,1ocal
intelligence unit members and policemen searched the house of Bannaw in Ti-O
Chaung Village, Falam Township and seized one kilo of marijuana kept in the box.
Action was taken against Bannaw, 32, son of U Chwum Hlaing, of Ti-O Chaung
Village, Falam Township, under Section 15/l9(A) of Narcotic Drugs &
Psychotropic Substances Law.
Bilateral Meeting of
Myanmar and China on Drug Control Cooperation held
YANGON, 17 Jan – The Bilateral
Meeting of Myanmar and China on Drug Control Cooperation was held at Timber
Trade Centre on Shwetaungkya Street in Bahan Township this morning. Present on
the occasion were Chairman of the Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control
Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing, Secretary Director-General of Myanmar
Police Force Police Maj-Gen Soe Win, Head of Office of Strategic Studies of the
Ministry of Defence Col Kyaw Thein and officials, Minister of Public Security of
People’s Republic of China Mr Jia Chunwang, PRC Ambassador Mr Liang Dong and
delegation members.
Chairman of the Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control Minister for Home
Affairs Col Tin Hlaing and Minister of Public Security of People’s Republic of
China Mr Jia Chunwang spoke on the occasion. Then, matters related to drug
control cooperation in Myanmar and China were discussed in the morning session.
In the afternoon section, matters concerning drug control cooperation between
the two countries were continued to discuss. The meeting ended in the evening
with the concluding remarks by Minister Col Tin Hlaing and Minister Mr Jia
Chunwang. Minister Col Tin Hlaing hosted a dinner in honour of the delegation
led by Minister Mr Jia Chunwang at Karaweik Palace.
Drug trafficker
Yangon, 17 Jan – The Yangon East
District Court handed down a sentence of 20 years’ imprisonment on a drug
trafficker on 19 December 2000. The case was that a combined team comprising
members of local intelligence unit and Yangon Anti-drug Squad, acting on
information, at 4 pm on 25 May 1999, searched the house of Khun Aung Thein in
South Okkalapa Township and seized 44.222 grams of heroin. The South Okkalapa
Police Station filed Khun Aung Thein, 27, son of U Aung Zeya, of No 45/2, 4th
Street, Myintha Housing, 14/1 Ward, South Okkalapa Township, under Section
15/19(A) of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law. The Yangon East
District Court heard the case and sentenced him to 5 years in prison under
Section 15 and 15 years under Section 19(A) of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic
Substances Law to serve separately.
Drug trafficker gets 15
Yangon, 15 Jan –
A combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit, Pathein Anti-Drug
Squad and Myanmar Police Force acting on information, searched the house of
Myint Oo in Mya Kwetthit 3rd Street, Hinthada and arrested him together with
151.9 grams of marijuana on 23 April. No 1 Hinthada Police Force filed him under
Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law. The Hinthada District Court
handed down fifteen years’ imprisonment under Section 19 (A) on him on 19
December 2000.
Secretary-1 inspects
construction of Drug Elimination Museum
Yangon, 12 Jan – Secretary-1 of the State Peace and
Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, accompanied by officials of the State
Peace and Development Council Office, inspected construction of Drug Elimination
Museum and ground preparation work at the corner of Hanthawady and Kyundaw
Streets in Kamayut Township this morning.
Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt arrived at the construction
site of Drug Elimination Museum at 11.30 am and was welcomed by Chairman of the
Work Groups Supervisory Committee of Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control
Deputy Minister for Home Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung, Secretary of CCDAC
Director-General of Myanmar Police Force Police Maj-Gen Soe Win and members,
heads of department and work committee members and police officers.
At the briefing hall, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Thura Myint
Maung reported to the Secretary-1 on progress of work, construction of concrete
roads and greening of its environs and cultivation of flowers and Police Maj-Gen
Soe Win on preparations for exhibition, U Aung Cho Min of FMI on earthwork and
Managing Director of Fortune International Ltd (Agent of LG Elevator and
Escalator) U Mya Han on installation of elevator. Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt
looked into the requirements. Then, Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt inspected
construction of Drug Elimination Museum and earthwork work and gave suggestions.
Tatmadaw, people
destroy illegally-grown poppy plantations
Yangon, 12 Jan – The State Peace and Development Council is
resolved to eradicate narcotic drugs as national duty. With the management of
the local military commands, the combined teams comprising members of local
intelligence units, Myanmar Police Force and local people have been destroying
poppy plantations illegally grown in remote areas of Shan State and Kayah State
beginning September 2000.
From 9 December 2000 to 5 January 2001, a total of 105 acres
of poppy plantations in Pinlaung Township, 85 acres in Nyaungshwe Township,
120.7 acres in Monai Township, 4 acres in Loilem Township, 152.27 acres in
Hopong Township and 9 acres in Phekhon Township of Shan State (South), 816.96
acres in Muse Township, 374.8 acres in Kutkai Township, 38 acres in Namkham
Township and 78 acres in Mangtung Township of Shan State (North) and 141 acres
in Loikaw Township of Kayah State totalling 1,924.63 were destroyed. During the
opium growing season in 2000-2001, poppy plantations illegally grown in Myanmar’
582.1 acres in Pinlaung Township, 433 acres in Phekhon Township, 174.92 acres in
Monai Township, 557.5 acres in Loilem Township, 152.27 acres in Hopong Township,
102.41 acres in Nyaungshwe Township, 54 acres in Mongshu Township, 155 acres in
Leikha Township, 46.5 acres in Mongpang Township and 311.5 acres in Hsihseng
Township of Shan State (South), 855.6 acres in Muse Township, 374.8 acres in
Kutkai Township, 38 acres in Namkham Township and 78 acres in Mangtung Township
and 141 acres in Loikaw Township of Kayah State have been destroyed.
Two men jailed for
possessing marijuana
Yangon, 12 Jan – The Toungoo District Court punished two
illicit drug possessors giving them prison terms on 20 December 2000. The case
was that members of local intelligence unit and Myanmar Police Force, acting on
information, searched Thein Win (a) Myo Win and Soe Yaza in front of Zayatgyi
Village Hospital, Htantabin Township, at 6.50 pm on 19 August 2000 and seized
4.3271 kilos of marijuana kept in the basket. The Zayatgyi Police Station filed
Thein Win (a) Myo Win, 23, son of U Nyein Maung, of Kayinchaung Village, Toungoo
Township, and Soe Yaza, 20, son of U Lay Win, of Thabyaylu Village, the same
township, under Section 15/19(A)/21 of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic
Substances Law. The Toungoo District Court heard the case and sentenced Thein
Win (a) Myo Win to 12 years in prison under Section 19(A) and Soe Yaza to 10
years in prison under Section 19(A)/21 of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic
Substances Law.
Drug possessor gets 25
Yangon, 8 Jan – A combined team
comprising members of the local intelligence unit and Yangon Special Anti-drug
Squad searched the house of Aung Moe in Danatheikdi Street, No 2 Ward, Mayangon
Township and seized 543 grams in the earthern pot and the cupboard in the
bedroom. Action was taken against Aung Moe, son of U Kyaw Myint who lives at No
18 Danatheikdi Street, No 2 Ward, Mayangon Township, under section 15/19 (A) of
the Narcotic Drugs and Psycho-tropic Substances Law. Yangon West District Court
heard the case and sentenced him to 5 years’ imprisonment under Section 15 and
25 years under Section 19 (A) to serve concurrently on 30 November 2000.
South-East Asia
Anti-Tobacco Flame (SEAAF) conveyed to New Delhi, India
Yangon, 6 Dec – A
ceremony to convey South-East Asia Anti-Tobacco Flame (SEAAF) to Yangon
International Airport was held at the indoor stadium of Shwepyitha Township,
Yangon North District this morning.
The flame arrived here on 15 December. The ceremony was attended by officials
of Ministry of Health, Yangon Division health officer and officials, secretary
of Yangon North District Peace and Development Council and officials, district
and township-level officials and members of various social organisations. First,
Secretary Col Maung Ngwe conveyed the flame and handed it over to victorious
athlete Zaw Win Aung who brought honour to the State.
Then, athletes and USDA members conveyed the flame on a car. The convey
arrived at the airport at 7.05 am. Afterwards, a ceremony to convey South-East
Asia Anti-Tobacco Flame (SEAAF) to New Delhi, India was held at the airport. It
was attended by Deputy Minister for Health Professor Dr Kyaw Myint,
Director-General Dr Wan Maung of Health Department, Director-General Dr Paing
Soe of Medical Research Department, deputy directors-general and officials of
Ministry of Health, members of various social organisations and students. First,
athlete Zaw Win Aung handed over the flame to Professor Dr Kyaw Myint. The
professor then handed it over to Director (Public Health) Dr Htay Lwin of Health
Department who would convey it to India by air. Dr Htay Lwin carried it to the
aircraft. Those present at the airport waved miniature anti-tobacco flags. The
aircraft carrying the South East Asia Anti-Tobacco Flame (SEAAF) left here for
India at 7.40 am.
Drug possessor gets 13
Yangon, 5 Jan – A combined team
comprising members of the local intelligence unit and Myanmar Police Force,
acting on information, searched one Thaung Sein in Thirimingalar Ward in
Zeyawady Township on 28 June 2000 and seized 1.633 kilogrammes of marijuana on
his person. Zeyawady Township Myanmar Police Force opened a case against Thaung
Sein, aged 42, son of U Tin Sein who lives in Thirimingalar Ward, Zeya-wady, Pyu
Township,under Section 15/19(A) of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances
Law. He was tried by Taungoo District Court and sentenced, on 15 November 2000,
to four years’ imprisonment under Section 15 and 13 years’ imprisonment under
Section 19(A) to serve concurrently.
trafficker gets 13 years
2 Jan – A combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit and
Special Drug Squad of Lashio acting on information, searched a bus with number
plate Ba/ 9636 at Tantyan Junction in Lashio Township on 12 August 2000 and
seized 22 soap containers of heroin weighing 352 grams from Ma Aye Aye, age 30,
daughter of U Lawpu in Laukkaing Township.
Action has been taken against her under
section 15/19 (A) of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law. Lashio
District court heard the case and sentenced her to 13 years in prison under
Section 19(A) on 7 November 2000.