Drug-related cases exposed
under drug elimination programmes
Yangon, 29 Nov –
Myanmar is implementing the 15-year plan for eradication of narcotic drugs. In
doing so, from 1 September to 20 November this year, 117.46 acres of poppy
plantations were destroyed in Northern and Eastern Shan State during 2002-2003
poppy cultivation season. Action was taken against 3,020 men and 710 women
totaling 3,730 in 2,529 drug-related cases from January to 15 November this
year. Among the seizures were 1737.1983 kilos of raw opium in 363 cases,
299.6057 kilos of heroin in 892 cases, 261.5759 kilos of marijuana in 209 cases,
9,191,694 stimulant tablets in 482 cases, and 1710.6169 kilos of Ephedrine in 8
More cases of raw opium and heroin were exposed than previous
year. It was due to cooperation among the national races organizations,
neighboring countries and international organizations. Tatmadaw, Myanmar Police
Force and people are cooperating to expose the drug-related cases with the aim
of eradicating the use and production of narcotic drugs in Myanmar.
Minister inspects opium
substitute crop plantation in Mongma, Mongla
Yangon, 28 Nov –
Vice-Chairman of Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control Minister for Progress
of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs Col Thein Nyunt,
together with Director-General of the Progress of Border Areas and National
Races Department Col Than Swe and officials, inspected regional development and
drugs prevention tasks in Mongma and Mongla region on 24 November.
They also inspected plantation of opium substitute crops such
as lychee, mango and orange in Mongma village. Mongla was announced an opium
free zone ever since 1997. Then, the minister and party inspected Mongla
People’s Hospital and donated 2 wheelchairs for the hospital.
The minister and party met with local authorities and staff
and urged them to actively participate in the development works in border areas
and narcotic drugs elimination tasks. Later, the minister and party inspected
Mongla Drug Elimination Museum, retransmission station in Mongla and progress of
opium substitute tea leaf plantation, retransmission station in Silu.
Central Executive Committee Member of the Union Solidarity
and Development Association Col Thein Nyunt met with executives and members of
Monghkat and Mongyan township USDAs at night and gave instructions on four tasks
of the association including management, organizing, economic and social and
cultural matters.
Measures taken to proclaim Tachilek,
Myawady and Kawthoung as “Drug Free Towns” in near future INCB acknowledges
Government of Myanmar has been fully committed to eradication of illicit opium
Yangon, 28 Nov –
The following is the Press release on relentless efforts for elimination of
narcotic drugs being undertaken by the Government of the Union of Myanmar issued
by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs today.
The Government of Myanmar has been making relentless efforts
to eliminate narcotic drugs as a national task. In its combat to eliminate the
scourge, the government has laid down a 15-year Narcotic Elimination Plan
(1999-2014) which is being implemented with the active participation of the
national races residing in the border areas where opium is grown. The Plan calls
for not only poppy eradication and crop substitution, but also for the
development of the infrastructure of the border areas so that widespread poppy
cultivation could be gradually phased out.
The Plan which is its fourth year of implementation is
already witnessing encouraging results. The successful results of the Plan
includes, inter alia, the firm pledge by Wa national race leaders to totally
eradicate drugs from their land by the year 2005 and by Kokang national race
leaders to rid their region of narcotic drugs by the same year and the
declaration of Mongla region as an Opium Free Zone since 1997. Likewise,
measures have been taken to proclaim three border towns, Tachilek, Myawady and
Kawthoung as “Drug Free Towns” in the near future.
Another area of success has been the dramatic drop in the
sown acreage of poppy cultivation. It has been acknowledged by the UNDCP and
INCB that the poppy cultivation in Myanmar has fallen from over ninety thousand
acres in 1999-2000 to a little over sixty-two thousand acres in 2001-2002.
During the same period, over twenty-five thousand acres of poppy fields were
destroyed. During the poppy cultivation season in 2002-2003 our statistics up to
November 22, show that 149 acres of poppy were clandestinely cultivated in the
Northern and Eastern Shan State. With our determined efforts, we have been able
to destroy all of them.
The annual joint opium yield survey with the United States
have also shown a decline in the opium cultivated area. According to that
survey, between 1998-99 and 2000-2001, the opium cultivated area declined by
38.63%. The INCB Report of 2002 acknowledged that the Government of Myanmar has
been fully committed to the eradication of illicit opium poppy cultivation in
the country. The UNDCP Opium Survey Report 2002, also cultivation the drastic
drop in poppy cultivation acreage and opium production. The UNDCP report
reflects the results of a comprehensive survey throughout the Shan State which
is considered to represent more than 91% of the total opium cultivation in
The launching of a new initiative called the “Project New
Destiny” in April 2002 has resulted in the voluntary surrender of over 290 tons
of poppy seeds and dried poppy bulbs by the poppy farmers. The surrendered poppy
seeds and bulbs were burnt in the presence of diplomats and press. Had these
seeds been cultivated an equivalent of 55 tons of heroin with an estimated
street value of over US$ 2.2 billion could been produced. The “Project New
Destiny” provided the farmers to grow alternative crops rather than poppy. At
present, 12,000 acres have been substituted with alternative crops. Furthermore,
assistance and support is provided to encourage breeding of livestock with
quality breeds of animals such as cows, pigs, poultry and goats. To demonstrate
seriousness of purpose, four deputy ministers have been asked to oversee and
supervise this initiative.
In the area of law enforcement, the authorities have made
major drug seizures. The 16th destruction of seized narcotic drugs was held at
the Drug Elimination Museum in Yangon on 26 June 2002 to mark the International
Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking. Altogether 3,028 kilos of opium,
240 kilos of heroin, 434 kilos of marijuana, 34.94 million of stimulant tablets
and 4.05 million of ephedrine and 3,021 kilos of caffeine were publicly burnt.
The seized narcotic drugs from 1990 to 2002 have been
publicly burnt and destroyed in Yangon for sixteen times. They included 26,722
kilos of opium, 3,970 kilos of heroin, 5,852 kilos of marijuana, 115,802,174
stimulant tablets and 14,448 kilos of ephedrine. The street value of narcotic
drugs destroyed was 4,919.061 million US dollars.
From January to 15 November 2002, 1,737 kilos of opium, 300
kilos of heroin and 9,191,694 stimulant tablets were seized.
Realizing that the drug menace is truly a global problem and
that no single country can find an effective solution to that global scourge,
Myanmar has embarked on a cooperative endeavour with its regional neighbours-
People’s Republic of China, Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand and Vietnam by signing
the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to jointly address this drugs problem.
Myanmar has signed bilateral agreements on control of narcotic drugs with India,
Bangladesh, Vietnam, Lao PDR, the Philippines, and the Russian Federation.
Myanmar has also signed the Memorandum of Understanding bilaterally with the
People’s Republic of China and Thailand. In addition, Myanmar is a party to the
Mekong sub-regional cooperative effort in a fight against narcotic drugs
comprising China, Lao PDR, Myanmar and Thailand. Myanmar is also participating
in efforts for achievement of Drug Free ASEAN by 2020 within the context of this
Organization. These approaches, both regional and bilateral together with the
15-Year Plan being implemented with our resources are a clear demonstration of
the commitment and seriousness with which Myanmar is trying to tackle the
problem of narcotic drugs.
In the recent development the Government of Myanmar, to show
its serious commitment in combating drug abuse and illicit trafficking, has
decided to accede to the 1972 Protocol amending the Single Convention on
Narcotic Drugs 1961.
All these amply demonstrate Myanmar’s serious efforts to
eliminate the scourge of narcotic drugs. The comments made by the
Secretary-General of the INTERPOL to the Fourth International Heroin Conference
in Yangon in February 1999 that “it is high time the international community
becomes acquainted with the excellent work that is being carried out in Myanmar
against illicit production and trafficking of heroin” are highly pertinent in
this regard.
Myanmar is fully committed to carry out its 15-Year Plan to
totally eliminate narcotic drugs from the land primarily through its own
resources. However, with the understanding, cooperation and assistance from the
international community our endeavours can be greatly facilitated and our goal
realized much sooner. On our part, Myanmar will continue to cooperate fully and
steadfastly with the international community.
223 drug-related cases exposed in
Yangon, 28 Nov –
The Tatmadaw, Myanmar Police Force and the Customs Department exposed 223
drug-related cases in October.
Seizures made by them were 95.9637 kilos of opium in 27
cases, 49.2519 kilos of heroin in 74 cases, 0.1673 kilo of opium oil in six
cases, 6.8601 kilos of low-grade opium in 11 cases, 21.3204 kilos of marijuana
in 21 cases, 21.5 litres of Phensidyl in five cases, 5,381,673 stimulant
tablets in 49 cases, 370.8219 kilos of Ephedrine in one case, 10.173 kilos of
stimulant powder, 13.336 kilos of opium dust in four cases, 81 diacepen tablets
in two cases, 40 kilos of Caffeine, 18.182 litres of chemical liquid, 476.63
kilos of chemical powder in one case, 16 cases for failure to register and six
other cases.
Action was taken against 325 culprits in 223 cases – 268 in
men and 57 in women – in October.