Drug dealers sentenced

Drug dealers

7 July — A combined team comprising members of Local Intell-igence Unit and
Tachilek Special Anti-Drug Squad, acting on information, on 12 December 2003,
searched the renting house of Aryon (a) Sein Shwe Maung of 2nd Khatta Street,
Sangsai Ward, Tachilek and seized him together with 4,600 stimulant tablets.

In connection with the case,
action was taken against the suspect, son of U Sai Soe Maung, at 2 Khatta
Street, Sangsai Ward, Tachilek under Section 15/19 (a) of Narcotic Drugs and
Psycho-tropic Substances Law by Tachilek Police Station. He was sentenced to 5
years’ imprisonment under Section 15 and 19 years’ impri-sonment under Section
19 (A) by Tachilek District Court on 16 Match 2004.

Similarly, A combined team
comprising members of Local Intelligence Unit and policemen of Zeyawady Police
Station, action on information, searched the house of Zaw Lwin, 1st Aungmingala
Street, Zeya-wady on 23 November 2003 and seized him together with 1.0777 kilos
of marijuana.

In connection with the case,
action was taken against the suspect, son of U Hla Myint of 1st Aungmingala
Street, Zeyawady under Section 15/19 (a) of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic
Substances Law by Zeya-wady Police Station, Phu Township.

Court of Deputy Bago District
Judge on 10 February, 2004 handed down Zaw Lwin to five years’ imprisonment
under Section 15 and 15 years’ imprisonment under Section 19 (a).