9th Destruction of Narcotic Drugs Ceremony –
3rd March 1995 Yangon
- Secretary-1 of the State Law
and Order Restoration Council and members
- Department Heads and Invited
Guest - Resident Representatives of UN
agencies - Representatives of the UN Drug
Control Programme - Diplomats and Military
Attaches - Foreign Media Personnel
- Local Media Personnel
- Invited Guest
Report presentation By
Pol. Col. Ngwe Soe Tun, Joint Secretary of Central Committee For Drug Abuse
Control at The Eighth Destruction Of Narcotic Drugs Seized By Law
Enforcement Agencies
Esteemed Secretary-I and Members of the State Law and Order Restoration
Council, Chairman, Vice-Chairmen and Members of the Central Committee for
Drug Abuse Control, Heads of Departments, Resident Representatives of United
Nations Agencies, Members of the Crops of Diplomats, media personnel and
invited guests;I am Police Colonel Ngwe See Tun, Director ol’the Narcotics Division,
People’s Police Force, and I am presenting this report in my capacity as
Joint Secretary of the Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control.Let me first convey our thanks, on behalf of the CCDAC, to all of you,
for giving some of your valuable time to attend today’s significant
occasion, at which narcotic drugs seized within the Union of Myanmar will be
publicly destroyed for the ninth time. This occasion is even more auspicious
as it is conducted as a gesture hailing the Golden Jubilee of the Armed
Forces Day.Esteemed guests,
Today’s report will be presented in three parts, the first of which will
be by me. The second part, that is the Law Enforcement Portion, will be
presented by Police Colonel Maung Niaung Than, Director of the Criminal
Investigation Department and member of the Law Enforcement Sector. The third
will be a special video documentary on the achievements of the State law and
Order Restoration Council regarding drug abuse control in our country.Esteemed guests,
The State Law and Order Restoration Council, since its taking up of state
duties, has undertaken drug eradication measures according to the two-point
National Strategy for Narcotic Drugs Control. The first strategic aim is to
designate drug eradication and prevention activities as a national duty and
to perform this duty with added momentum. The second is to gradually
eliminate poppy cultivation by promoting the standard of living of the
national races. The institution responsible for the achievement of these two
strategic aims Is the Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control (CCDAC). The
CCDAC came into existence in 1975 in accordance with the Drug Law
Promulgated in 1974. At that time there were nine sectors under the
committee. In 1989. the State Law and Order Restoration Council reorganized
the committee to meet the demands of time. Again. when the Narcotic Drugs
and Psychotr(lpic Substances Law 1993 was enacted, the International
Relations Sector was added to the nine existing sectors.Moreover. Supervisory groups were formed in states/divisions, district,
and township levels, down to the ward/village tract level. The Central
Committee was also expanded to 24 members, including two vice-chairmen. To
achieve the first aim of’ the National Strategy, the CCDAC is operating in
harmony with the ten working sectors as well as with the local bodies in
demand reduction, supply reduction and international and regional
cooperation.Esteemed guests,
The Law Enforcement Sector is being assigned to the Tatmadaw, the
People’s Police Force (PPF) and the Customs Department. The PPF, in addition
to its primary duties of ensuring the rule of law and prevalence of peace,
is also performing duties in the field of drug control. The list of narcotic
drugs and Psychotropic substances seized within the period 18 Sept 1988 and
15 Feb 1995 is as Follows;
12,598.40 kilo
1,525,947 kilo
126,195 kilo
Opium Oil
49.8636 kilo
Liquid opium
86.5292 kilo
5,445.1748 kilo
27,523,789 litres
Acetic anhydride
3,534.74 gallons and
Other precursor chemicals 1,721.8 litres.
In 23888 drug offences, 42638 male and 8032 female offenders were
convicted, making a total 50670.